When buying a new computer, most people forget to buy anti virus protection. Some PC manufactures bundle some sort of AV software, but sadly this is usually only a 3 month trial. The manufactures of the AV software then expect you to upgrade when the trial period comes to a close. Most people will renew the software online. When you do this the cost of downloaded the program could cost one third to a half more (when compared to the over the counter price) and you do not always get a disk should you need to reload it. The practical way to buy AV software is to purchase a new full retail product when you buy your PC or laptop.
Most people think that if they have anti virus software on their PC then they are safe. Think again!
More and more computers are coming through ChalkHill Systems’ workshop contaminated with what is known as “Hijack ware, malicious wear, and Spyware”. This type of threat is far more damaging to your computer than most viruses. Your antivirus program does not see the Hijack ware as a threat and lets it through.
If you notice your PC running slower, unable to start your home page, or maybe your computer just stops working or turns itself off, then the chances are you have Hijack ware on your PC.
Once again when you are buying your new computer ask the sales person to supply you with some anti Hijack software. By investing in anti virus and anti Hijack software when the PC is new, you are protecting your computer as well as all your precious documents, pictures and music.